CSES sends delegates to many conferences throughout the year. Conferences are a great way to meet engineering students from other schools and industry professionals, develop leadership and professional skills, as well as learn about other schools and how they work. Students going to these conferences are able to share and bring back ideas to implement here at Carleton. Some conferences are reserved for society positions, but there are many opportunities for those passionate to come along or to apply for funding to go to another conference of their choosing! We announce whenever there are slots available for a conference we'll be attending, so keep an eye on our social media throughout the year!
ESSCO Conferences
The Engineering Student Societies' Council of Ontario (ESSCO) facilitates communication between 16 engineering student societies (like CSES) in Ontario.
The Engineering Student Societies Council of Ontario's Conference on Advocacy and Leadership in Engineering (CALE) introduces the new council of VP Externals to ESSCO, PEO, OSPE and the CFES, as well as their new role on council. This conference focuses on leadership development and the sharing of best practices. This is achieved by having external speakers and ESSCO alumni run sessions and speak to delegates. This conference also serves as the election for the upcoming year's ESSCO Executive.
The ESSCO President's Meeting is used to connect the different executive teams from member schools. Each school is invited to bring their execs to meet others in the same positions and share best practices. The sessions are tailored to specific positions and create discussions around problems that each of the schools face. The ESSCO council also meets to discuss the upcoming CFES President's meeting and form a unified Ontario opinion.
Organized with the support of the Professional Engineers of Ontario, PEO-SC is a professional development conference that introduces delegates to the work of PEO and the benefits of obtaining a P.Eng license. Delegates are exposed to the licensing process and the PEO Student Membership Program, as well as the opportunity to listen to speakers discuss the future of the engineering profession in Ontario. Delegates also get a chance to participate in activities that are designed to get the thoughts of students in regards to problems facing the engineering profession. Learn more about the 2024 conference by clicking here.
The First Year Integration Conference is a leadership development conference for first-year students looking to get more involved in their respective engineering societies. Delegates are introduced to what CFES, PEO, and OSPE are and how they work with ESSCO. The first years participate in sessions designed to develop leadership potential, break down first-year barriers, and learn ways that they can improve their own engineering society.
CFES Conferences
The Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES) is a national, bilingual organization that represents approximately 60,000 engineering students across Canada.
CFES President's Meeting (PM)
The Canadian Federation of Engineering Students Presidents Meeting is the first meeting of the year where all the VP Externals or Presidents meet. This retreat style meeting serves to update schools about CFES, Engineering Canada, the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board and other CFES partners. This meeting is also used to set the direction of the organization.
CFES Conference on Diversity in Engineering (CDE)
The Conference for Diversity in Engineering is a conference aimed at different diversity issues faced within the engineering community. This conference has sessions run by industry professionals, as well as workshops about outreach.
CFES Congress
The Canadian Federation of Engineering Students Congress is the annual general meeting of all CFES member schools. This national meeting lasts a week and is an opportunity to network with members from other schools across Canada, attend leadership development sessions, and attend sessions given by industry professionals.
CFES Canadian Engineering Competition (CEC)
The Canadian Engineering Competition is a national competition hosted by the CFES for the winners of the provincial-qualifiers. The top two teams from the Ontario Engineering Competition (OEC), the Atlantic Engineering Competition (AEC), the Western Engineering Competition (WEC), and the Quebec Engineering Competition (QEC) move on to compete at CEC. We don't bring anyone who doesn't qualify, but be sure to compete at our Carleton Engineering Competition
(C-Eng-C) to earn your spot!
The VPX Post-Conference Reports are written by CSES's Vice-President External (VPX.) They serve to provide an overview of the conference and updates on the host organization, plenary sessions, and key content of the event.
Delegate Post-Conference Reports are written by the students sponsored to attend conferences. They typically focus on particular topics, skills, and new learning, serving as a mechanism to share content to members.
Check out our most recent Conference Vlog, featuring shots from CELC 2023!
Is there a conference you'd like to go to that's not on our list? No problem! We'd still love for you to attend!*
You can also apply to our Miscellaneous Conference Fund to request some financial support for your experience via the form below (it's first come, first serve, so apply now!)
Note that conferences that fall under "miscellaneous" do not have a formally selected and supervised CSES delegation (so we cannot be liable for them or vet the quality of their content) but we still encourage students to attend! Past miscellaneous conferences that we have funded include:
Ontario Centre for Engineering
and Public Policy -
Commerce & Engineering Environmental Conference (CEEC)
Queen's Business and Technology Conference
Queen's Space Conference
Canadian University Software Engineering Conference
EWB National Conference
Ottawa Wood Conference
Fire and Materials Conference
Canadian Space Conference