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The C-Eng Blood Bowl

This year, we're bringing back an old C-Eng tradition from decades ago, the C-Eng Blood Bowl! Compete with your stream society against all others to see who can donate the most blood in this week-long event! Anyone who donates walks away with swanky patches, and the winning society earns the right to show off the coveted Blood Chalice—complete with a shiny plate engraved with their logo—until the next year's Blood Bowl. And best of all, it's for a great cause!


Don't worry if you're not eligible to donate, or if you've already donated in the last couple of months and have that ability on cooldown. We've got you covered. Head down to the Eligibility section to find out how you can still get in on the event and earn points for your society!


This year's Blood Bowl is taking place from: October 2nd - 13th


Check out the rankings by clicking this link.

How to Donate

Record Your Donation!

Current Stats!



Blood Chalice



Donating is easy! Just book a time and show up! Then it's a matter of sitting down, relaxing for a few minutes, and collecting your snacks. You can also walk in and get everything set up on the spot, but it takes a bit longer and there's no guarantee they'll have a free chair waiting for you, so make sure to follow the steps below if it all possible!


Check Your Eligibility

Hop on over to Canada Blood Services and take the eligibility quiz, or read up on what sorts of things might make a person ineligible to donate blood. They've made quite a few changes in the last two years, so check out the most updated information using the links below!


If you're not eligible, don't fret. Just convince a friend to donate, then go with them for moral support and you'll both get points! Just make sure to take a selfie while you're there!



Book a Time

Again, this isn't strictly necessary, but it helps the clinics reduce wait times and makes sure there's a chair waiting for you when you get there. 10/10, highly recommend booking a slot ahead of time. 


The main clinic is at 1575 Carling Ave, but where you donate isn't important. You can also book a time before the week of the Blood Drive. The aim is to get as many donations as we can, so book a time when and where works best for you!


Show Up for Your Timeslot

All that's left once your time is booked is to show up, take a seat, and get ready for your snacks!


There are a few things to remember on the day of your donation:

  • Bring your donor card (if you've donated before) or a piece of government ID with you. It needs to show your name and date of birth.

  • Make sure you're extra-hydrated! Drink water throughout the day, then have a full 500 mL just before donating.

  • Eat well! Make sure you're well-fed and have a salty snack just before (they have plenty at the clinic).

  • If you're on any medication, make sure you know which ones. Most are fine for donating blood, but some aren't.

  • If you'd like to submit your stats for a chance at the custom prize patches and don't already have a donor card, make sure to ask for your donor number while at the clinic. Otherwise, you won't be able to access your stats until your donor card is mailed to you.


Click the link below for more details about the donation process and Canada Blood Services' FAQ page.



Get Your Points!

Now that you've donated, you need to let us know! Fill out the form below with your name, stream, and some sort of proof that you've donated. This can be a selfie of you in the donation chair (or your friend, if you're not eligible) or a screenshot of the date of your last donation in your account.


There are a few other details you can optionally include; we've got some extra prizes in store for the people with the best stats...


Point tallies are updated at the end of each day (sometimes earlier, too, if a bunch come in overnight), so check the rankings regularly and make sure to rally people in your stream society to go donate!


The Main Patch

This one you buy at the CSES Office, with all proceeds going to the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO).

The Droplets

The Blood Bowl happens but once a year, but the average person can donate much more. Show how much of a giver you are with a blood droplet for each extra donation you make in the year leading up to the Blood Bowl! This can include blood, plasma, or stem cells (including getting tested for a match). For more details on earning blood droplets click here!

The Ring

Ring segments, like chevrons for some other C-Eng events, are earned by attending successive Blood Bowls. Earn 4, and you'll complete the full ring! These will be distributed after the week is finished.

But wait, there's more...

Submit a screenshot of the stats from your donation (hemoglobin levels, duration, etc.) for your shot at these sweet extra special patches! 

BB Prize 5

Sanguine Guide

Awarded to the person that guides the most donors to the clinic.

BB Prize 1


Awarded to the person with the highest hemoglobin levels.

BB Prize 3

Biggest Heart

Awarded to the person with the highest donation volume in the last year.

Thicccest Heart

Awarded to the person with the longest

donation time.


Awarded to the person with the shortest donation time.


A new one is in the works for this year! Coming soon!

Click the button below to see who currently holds the top (or bottom) slot for each of these patches! You can also see it posted on the 3300 Block bulletin board.


Forged in the fires of 24th Dunton and infused with the chaotic energy of C-Eng, the coveted Blood Chalice is the symbol of the Blood Bowl and represents the sacrifice all those in C-Eng have made for this worthy cause.


The stream society with the most donations (by percentage of overall members) by the end of the week will win the Blood Chalice and earn the right to display it in their office. At least until the next year, when they'll need to defend their title as the biggest donors... A plate engraved with the winning society's logo will also be affixed to the base of the chalice, forever immortalizing their generosity and teamwork.


Send any questions, concerns, complaints, comments, exclamations, accusations, inquisitions, or inquiries to the Blood Bowl Directors at



You can also check out our social media and reach out to us there, or contact the VP Social directly at



If you have any other feedback that you would like to give anonymously (or not), please fill out the Feedback Form and it will be forwarded to the VP Social for review.

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The goal of the Carleton Student Engineering Society (CSES) is to provide our members (undergraduate engineering students of Carleton) with academic, professional, and social resources to help them make the most of their four (or more) years at Carleton. 


Carleton Student Engineering Society (CSES)

3390 Mackenzie Building

Carleton University

1125 Colonel By Drive

Ottawa, Ontario

K1S 5B6

© 2024 Carleton Student Engineering Society (CSES)

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